
HGWISE:ORIGIN Publicity Coordinator

Sep 2021-
Outreach program under Harvard Graduate Women in Science & Engineering (HGWISE)
Managed the recruitment of mentors for the young girls around the world who aspire the career in STEM
Design and distribution of the recruitment flyer
Established communications across STEM departments of Harvard
Co-led discussion with 30+ mentees as focus group mentor

Programa Futuras Cientistas lecturer

Mar 2021-
Outreach program under Harvard Graduate Women in Science & Engineering (HGWISE)
Designed and led a genetics lecture for girls in Brazil interested in STEM career

Health Professions Recruitment & Exposure Program (HPREP) lecturer

Dec 2021
Designed and led a genetics lecture for the high school students in Boston area

Organized Bioinformatics & Integrative Genomics Program Rotation Club

Jul-Sep 2020
Organized a social for first year graduate students to discuss about lab rotations and network with senior students
Coordinated with program administration and previous organizers to recruit student panel and attendees
Led student discussion in a virtual platform

Teaching Assistant

Fall 2021
Selected as teaching assistant for BMI702: Foundation of Biomedical Informatics II which focused on machine learning topics including interpretable and fair ML and graph ML
Designed weekly material review and quizzes for group of ~30 students


In General Biology for freshmen in KAIST, 2017
In Introduction to Proramming for freshmen in KAIST, 2016
In KAIST Center for Gifted Education, 2016-2019

Head of BAOBAB

Fall 2016 - Spring 2017
Student a capella group of KAIST

Student Reporter

For Undergraduate Interviewing Club in Department of Biological Science, KAIST, 2017
For Newletter for College of Natural Science, KAIST, 2016