
Awarded KASBP-MOGAM Scholarship

Oct 2022
I was awarded the KASBP-MOGAM Scholarship, thanks for the support!

Presented poster at 2022 American Society of Human Genetics Conference

Oct 2022
I presented our project on CRISPR base editor screen model in the 2022 American Society of Human Genetics Conference at Los Angeles.

Presented poster at 2022 Impact of Genomic Variation on Function (IGVF) Annual Meeting

Sep 2022
I presented our project on CRISPR base editor screen model “CRISPR Base Editor Reporter Screen with Bayesian Network Accurately Identifies Causal Variants of Cellular Low-Density Lipoprotein Uptake” in the 2022 Annual IGVF Meeting at Madison, Wisconsin.

Hosted a Full-day CRISPR Tutorial at 30th Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology

July 2022
Our lab hosted a full-day CRISPR tutorial “A Practical Introduction to the Design, Quantification, and Analysis of CRISPR Genome Editing Data” in the 30th Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology.

Lectured in NIH Impact of Genomic Variation of Function (IGVF) CRISPR Workshop

July 2022
I jointly held CRISPR Screen Design and Analysis Workshop with members of Pinello lab and Sherwood lab for IGVF community. I presented about the analysis methods of base editor CRISPR screens and its analysis methods.

Invited Talk at Current Topics in Bioinformatics Seminar Series

Nov 2021
Jointly presented SIMBA, a graph representation learning based single cell embedding method’s concepts and tutorials at the Harvard Bioinformatics Core Bioinformatics Seminar Series.

SIMBA is posted on bioRxiv!

Oct 2021
Excited to announce SIMBA, a graph representation learning based single cell embedding method is out on bioRxiv!

Created CRISPR subgroup in Pinello lab

Oct 2021
As our lab covers wide range of research topics and each member works on unique but generalizable components in the computational analysis of CRISPR data, I took initiative to create subgroup meeting dedicated to CRISPR related topics.

Joined the leadership team of HGWISE-ORIGIN

Sep 2021
I joined the leadership team of ORIGIN program of Harvard Graduate Women in Science and Engineering (HGWISE) as the publicity coordinator. I’ll be creating and distributing recruitment materials to excite and connect mentors to the young girls around the world passionate about STEM.

Joined Pinello lab

Jun 2021
I joined Pinello lab at MGH! I will continue working on my rotation project on single cell embedding method and start exploring more on CRISPR screen data.

Passed Preliminary Qualifying Exam

Apr 2021
I passed my PQE, I now am finally a PhD candidate!